In line with the opening of Academic Year 2022-2023, the Pangasinan State University spearheaded a five-day webinar on Instructional Planning and Development via hybrid platform.

Dr. Manolito C. Manuel, Vice-president for Academic and Student Affairs (OVPASA), said the webinar aims to enhance all syllabi of courses of all the curricula programs as part of the institution’s Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI).

Meanwhile, Dr. Razeale Resultay, director for Curriculum and Instruction said all focal persons are expected to create team in the MS teams for the Tik-TALK sessions, spearhead the conduct of syllabi enhancement by program, present outputs, identify a faculty in the team to prepare and submit proceedings and photos and submit duly signed syllabi of courses.

Attendees to the activity slated from September 5-13, 2022 included all campus executive directors, executive directors, college deans, School of Advanced Studies (SAA) and Open University Systems (OUS) programs advisers, lecturers, heads under the curriculum and instructors and all faculty members.