Registrars, liaison and records officers as well as representatives from the student affairs office of the Pangasinan State University took part in a two-day onsite conference organized by the Association of Higher Education Institutions (AHEI) in Region 1.

In partnership with the Commission on Higher Education, AREI- I President Celia N. Tactacan said the conference aims to make the participants more responsive to the challenges of socially transforming education.

Conforming to the theme ‘Transforming Challenges to Best Practices,’ PSU delegates joined participants from the provinces of Pangasinan, La Union, Ilocos Norte and Ilocos Sur at the Hotel Ariana in La Union province from January 19 to 20, 2023.

For the first day, Regional Director Atty. Arl Ruth B. Sacay-Sabelo of the Professional Regulations Commission discussed the issues and concerns on the PRC Guidelines while Dr. Carmelo John E. Vidal, president of the Association of Private Schools, Colleges and Universities (APSCU) I Region I, discussed the revised implementing rules and regulations of Republic Act No. 9163 (An Act Establishing the National Service Training Program for Tertiary Level Students) and Mr. Rodrigo P. Del Mundo Jr. clarified concerns with the Bureau of Immigration.

On the second day, Dr. Arnold Ancheta of CHED presented the updates concerning the registrar’s office and student affairs and services while Dr. Juan Primitivo Petrola shared some updates on CHED Memorandum Order No. 15, series of 2019 or the integration of climate change education in tertiary curriculum.

The fruitful discussion ended with the awarding of certificates to the participants.

PSU, as an Investors In People (IiP) Gold Awardee, continues to upscale the knowledge, capacities and capabilities of its personnel to provide excellent service to the community.