The Pangasinan State University, with the objective of becoming an ASEAN premier state university, continues to strengthen its partnership on Research and Development with its Southeast Asian neighbors through the exchange and sharing of knowledge.

Leveraging on the existing strength and resources of the academic institution, PSU officials took part in a Conference on CDIO (Conceive, Design, Implement and Operate) Implementation and Academic and Research Activities at the Thu Duc College of Technology in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam held on December 16-17, 2022.

Heading the PSU delegation was the Vice-President for Quality Assurance Dr. Marcelo Gutierrez, Jr. together with Dr. Razeale G. Resultay (Director for Curriculum and Instruction and incoming Vice-President for Research and Extension), Dr. Honorio L. Cascolan (Campus Executive Director, Urdaneta); Dr. Frederick F. Patacsil (College of Computing Dean) and Mr. Bobby F. Roaring (Center for Statistics and Computing Sciences Head). The visit was co-organized by the College of Computing Sciences spearheaded by the focal person, Ms. Jennifer M. Parrone.

“PSU and TDC’s partnership was formalized in 2019 and aims to promote cooperation in the conduct of academic and research exchanges. The 2022 visit aims to further strengthen the collaboration between the two institutions that included a presentation of academic research and projects to be conducted by both institutions plus the experience of TDC in the implementation of CDIO,” Dr. Gutierrez said.

Some of the activities agreed upon by both institutions include: a CDIO conference in February 2023; International Research Conference in May; Training on Data analytics for TDC faculty members in December; faculty and student exchange program; student internship program; and conduct of four (4) collaborative researches.
Meanwhile, University President Dr. Elbert M. Galas said PSU continues to put premium in its research, extension and innovation support agenda and stressed that the aforementioned programs and projects are expected to further promote cooperation as well as academic development between Pangasinan State University and Thu Duc College of Technology.

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