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Privacy Policy

Privacy Statement
Pangasinan State University (“PSU”,”University”) and its associates grant You access to the official website ( and its other online services including the official social media sites, digital materials, and public information. Through this Site, the University discloses university contact information, service centers, notable affiliates, and updates. Hence, by this platform, the user(“You”) consent to the practices outlined in this Privacy Policy.

This Privacy Policy explains how the University processes, use, and disclose information You provide to us when You use our website. PSU is very much aware in protecting Your privacy and personal information.

Kindly review this Policy carefully to gain a comprehensive understanding of how we gather, disclose, and secure Your information.

By browsing and using the Site, You acknowledge that You have read and comprehended this Privacy Statement and that You accept and consent to the privacy policies, uses, and disclosures of Your information.

The University collects certain information from users in order to provide You, the customer, with information that is both tailored and pertinent through our Site.

PSU gathers data in order to run its operations efficiently and offer You the best of our services.
The University records some of this information that is provided directly by You through the following:

1. Personal details when signing in to our student and employee portals. This includes Your email, password, password hints, IP address, as well as Your authentication and account access-related security information.

2. Information that You provide when filling out forms from any page of this website. We may collect personal information such as Your name, address, date of birth, place of birth, gender, family composition, career history, financial information, affiliations, and/or information regarding Your use of our resources.

3. We may gather Your first and last names, demographic data, email addresses, cities, countries, states, provinces, regions, postal codes, businesses, and phone numbers if You submit Your queries.

4. If You pay fees online, we gather the information required to process Your payment, such as Your payment instrument number (such as a reference number) and the security code associated with Your payment instrument. LANDBANK, our partner banking company also gathers relevant personal information that can be provided to our University for financial security purposes.

5. PSU also acquires information from external sources. The University secures data collected from third parties in accordance with the procedures outlined in this policy and any additional limits imposed by the source. These external sources could be our service providers, institutional partners, social network, and open government databases.

You have options regarding the data that we gather. You may decline to share personal information when requested. If You choose not to disclose data required to provide a service or feature, You may be unable to utilize our online services. However, there will be some part of this Site that requires the abovementioned information to give You the most accurate service needed.

Our fundamental purpose of why we collect Your data is to supply You with information about our products and/or services and satisfy the purpose for which You submitted the information. The following are other pertinent reasons:

1. To initiate and maintain communication with the Users.

2. To track and do an analysis of the Site’s traffic and usage habits.

3. To supply third parties with statistics data regarding our website’s visitors.

4. To adhere to requests from law enforcement and as required by applicable law, court order, or government regulations, including but not limited to requests from public authorities, valid legal procedures, and/or discovery responsibilities.

5. To conform to contractual requirements.

6. To gather responses and surveys.

7. To secure both parties by preventing fraudulent actions.

Content for research. Personal information, demographic data, Site usage, and Site history is collected for data analytics research purposes for the improvement of the University’s online marketing and operations.

Customer Support Services. Any opinions and evaluations, as well as Your queries and information for technical help. Messages and/or sessions with our offices and/or personnel may be monitored and/or recorded if You contact us, such as for technical help.

Identification. The portals (e.g. student, employee, and HRIS) require a photograph of the recent image of the person for identification and security purposes. A recent formal photograph may also be needed in some physical transactions such as during admission examination, job application, and bid application. If You enter University premises or other facilities, our security cameras may catch Your image.

External service providers. External service providers could be the University partners (e.g. local government units, LANDBANK, partnered non-government organizations) and third-party technologies (e.g. Facebook, Google ). They also collect information about Your preferences and interests. In addition to the information You submit explicitly, Your interests and preferences may also be deduced or derived from other data collected. If You use their services to manage contacts or to communicate or connect with other people or organizations, third-party apps/services may gather data about Your contacts and relationships. You must thus review their terms and privacy policy.

The University also collects information about Your device and how it interacts with our services.

Information that You provided will automatically be read by the officer-in-charge of the concern You addressed in the administration. Despite the circumstances, the employees of PSU are very much aware of the Data Privacy Policy and their limitations in acquiring and disclosing Your information.

Moreover, the University may disclose Your personal information to associated businesses or third parties when necessary to provide You with products and/or services. This includes, where applicable, third parties participating in the administration and/or operation of our products and/or services and other legitimate business purposes. PSU may also release Your personal information to the following types of third parties:

1. Relevant clients such as auditors, accountants, attorneys, and other professional advisers and third-party businesses, in order for PSU to comply with contractual, statutory, and other duties and to operate its company properly.

2. When the University is compelled by law to release Your information, including, but not limited to, in response to a valid subpoena, court order, or law enforcement request.

3. If disciplinary procedures end in termination owing to fraud, illegal or dishonest behavior, malpractice, or other substantially wrong conduct that is either not appealed or sustained upon appeal, your personal information will be shared with an external third party fraud prevention organization.

PSU is in good faith conviction that doing so is required to operate and maintain the security of its Site and services, including the prevention or thwarting of an attack on our computer systems, networks, or IT infrastructure, as well as the protection of our data. Moreover, it is fundamental to the University to protect the rights or property of PSU and its stakeholders to prevent spam or efforts to scam, or to assist in preventing significant harm to anybody.

PSU is dedicated to maintaining the privacy and confidentiality of Your personal information. It is secured that Your personally identifiable information is protected by various security technologies and methods, with the goal of preventing unauthorized access, use, or disclosure of such information. The University assigns selected computers that are accessed by selected trustworthy persons for data security. Encryption is utilized to ensure the safety of sensitive information like Your name and password whenever it is sent over the internet by our institution.

Contact Information
The University welcomes your input and suggestions regarding this privacy statement, or if you have a data privacy concern or a question for the PSU Data Privacy Officer, please contact us by e-mail.

PSU Online Services Privacy Statement
Pangasinan State University
ICT Management Office
CP : 09913126510