In pursuit of a more responsive and streamlined organization of Pangasinan State University, newly designated Vice- President for Administration and Linkages (VPAL), Dr. Dexter R. Buted convened the directors, heads and focal persons of the offices under the Administration Division on January 16, 2023.

With the end view of assisting the new university administration led by President Dr. Elbert M. Galas, the new vice-president laid out the policies and programs that would require the review and revision of the process manuals and organizational structure of every unit under his Division for a more efficient and more productive result.

After a brief introduction of the new and retained officers, Dr. Buted tackled agenda that include: organizational structure, manpower and employee development, monthly planning schedule and accomplishment report, research works related to organizational development, division awards and plans, programs and projects.

“As Directors and Heads of your units, it is your responsibility to teach, train and help your staff. You should work as a team. Act not as a boss but as a LEADER. A leader who will lead your team to success,” the new vice-president said.

To serve as inspiration in everyday work, OVPAL launched the Division Awards that would give due recognition to top performers.

Dr. Buted also reiterated the long –standing policies of cleanliness and environmental preservation of the university which include: ‘clean as you go’ (CLAYGO), zero plastic policies and proper disposal and segregation of garbage.

The 10 offices under OVPAL include the offices of Public Relations, Publication and Information; Linkages; Human Resource Management and Development (including Investors in People); Records Management; Procurement Services; Supply Management; Physical Plant, Facilities and Construction Management; General Services; Energy Efficiency and Conservation and the Chief Administration Office. The units include services on vehicle maintenance, electrical, solid waste management and pollution control; safety and security and housekeeping.
