The Supreme Student Council Presidents of Pangasinan State University’s nine campuses attended the 4th International Scholars Convention and International Young Leaders Congress, which was held on November 25-27, 2021 via Zoom. with the theme “Promoting the Values of Diplomacy, Leadership, and Resiliency towards Global Partnership and Sustainable Development.” 

113 universities from all across the world attended the conference. The cultural presentation, which highlighted the diversity of cultures among the participating nations, was the highlight of the event. Indeed, it was an excellent three-day webinar with several points, but the focus was primarily on attaining the common aim of promoting values diplomacy, leadership, and resiliency.

They also discuss developing Generation Z’s 21st-century skillset as well as resilient leadership and communication strategies in times of adversity. The student leaders were best prepared to fulfill their duties and responsibilities to their co-students and the university as a result of this conference.