The University Director of Energy Efficiency and Conservation Office, Engr. Rodel P. Hacla; Deputy Director and EEC Office Member, Engr. Harry Erasquin; and Engr. Pauline Roa, along with energy conservationists from across the country, have attended the 2nd ENPAP 4.0 Inc. Midyear General Membership Meeting, which was held on July 22-23, 2022, at Bayview Park Hotel in Manila, Philippines.

The two-day event was organized by ENPAP 4.0 Inc., a non-stock, non-profit private professional organization of practicing energy managers, energy engineers, and consultants, and is an ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE) partner that offers training and certification courses to become an ASEAN Certified Energy Manager (CEM), ASEAN Certified Energy Auditor (CEA), or ASEAN Certified Professional Energy Manager (PEM). Qualified facilities implementing the AEMAS Energy Management framework are accredited as AEMAS Energy Management Gold Standard companies, industries, and buildings.

On the first day, recognized experts in the field shared their knowledge on a variety of topics, including talks on Guidelines for Complying with MC202D-05-001 Form 3 and Form 4, Practical Tips for Complying with MC202D-05-001 Form 3 and Form 4, Overview of New ASEAN Energy Manager Certification under AJEEP Scheme 2, and DOE EE Road Map, all of which were respectively delivered by the esteemed speakers, namely, Engr. Eric Tamondong (Vice President, ENPAP 4.0 Inc.), Dr. Jeddper N. De Castro (President, ENPAP 4.0 Inc.), Dr. Nuki Utama (Executive Director, ASEAN Centre for Energy), and Atty. Patrick Aquino (Director, DOE EUMB). During the afternoon, the mentioned speakers and attendees began an oath-taking ceremony.

On the other hand, the second day focused on the discussions about Electrical Audit, Financing Options of Energy Efficiency Projects, Mechanical Audit, and Gearing Towards ACPE Certification. The speakers were Engr. Rodolfo Penalosa (Secretary, ENPAP 4.0 Inc.), Rustico Noli Cruz (Vice President, Program Development and Management Department (Development Bank of the Philippines)), Engr. Armando Emata (Auditor, ENPAP 4.0 Inc.), and Hon. Francis Mapile (Chairman, Board of Electrical Engineering). After which, a general membership meeting was conducted and led by the ENPAP 4.0 Inc President, Dr. Jeddper De Castro.